Honors Language Arts 12 A


English 12A Honors focuses on learning to write with confidence and mastery.

SKU : HSHLA12A Catégorie :


Semestre A – English 12A Honors focuses on learning to write with confidence and mastery. Emphasis is placed on building language flexibility, improving sentence structure, and mastering the writing process. Students create, revise, and edit six writing projects that are designed to help them take their writing to the next level. As an Honors course, emphasis is placed on project-based instruction and increased reading and writing opportunities. In this thought-provoking writing course, students prepare themselves for the demands of college and/or the job market by developing their writing skills. Through text readings, videos, interactive PowerPoint presentations, practice activities, workbook questions, interactive skills challenges, discussions, writing projects, and other activities students demonstrate their mastery of the writing process. Students will integrate the 6-Traits of Writing (i.e., ideas and content, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions) to all of their writing. As an Honors course, emphasis will be placed on additional reading and writing project-based instruction. Students will create projects including a short story, expository essay, functional document, persuasive essay, literary analysis, and research paper. Through the engaging activities in English 12A Honors, students become more mature and accomplished writers.

Exigée Matériaux

Dans ce cours, il vous est demandé de lire deux romans de la liste "A vous de choisir" en plus des ouvrages listés comme lecture obligatoire ci-dessous. Après avoir sélectionné les romans que vous lirez, téléchargez les guides appropriés en utilisant les liens ci-dessous. 

Romans à choisir : 

  • 1984 par George Orwell: ISBN-10 : 9780451524935 ; ISBN-13 : 978-0451524935 
  • Les Hauts de Hurlevent par Emily Bronte: ISBN-10 : 0141439556 ; ISBN-13 : 978-0141439556 
  • Le meilleur des mondes par Aldous Huxley: ISBN-10 : 0060850523 ; ISBN-13 : 978-0060850524 
  • Othello par Julius Lester : ISBN-10 : 9780590419673 ; ISBN-13 : 978-0590419673 - Projet Gutenberg  
  • Cent ans de solitude de Gabriel Garcia MarquezISBN-10 : 9780060883287ISBN-13 : 978-0060883287 
  • Un conte de deux villes par Charles Dickens - Projet Gutenberg 
  • Cry, le pays bien-aimé par Alan Paton: ISBN-10 : 0743262174 ; ISBN-13 : 978-0743262170 
  • Frankenstein par Mary Shelley - Projet Gutenberg