Ngôn ngữ Nghệ thuật Danh dự 10 A


English 10 Honors is an integrated curriculum consisting of thematically related lessons in five domains: analyzing literature, analyzing informational text, writing, speaking and listening, and language study, which includes word knowledge and grammar skills.

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Học kỳ AEnglish 10 Honors is an integrated curriculum consisting of thematically related lessons in five domains: analyzing literature, analyzing informational text, writing, speaking and listening, and language study, which includes word knowledge and grammar skills. The course provides challenging assignments aimed at preparing Honors-level students for advanced work in the study of literature and language arts. An introductory lesson at the start of each unit helps students identify any areas of weakness and review those topics if needed. Writing assignments required in Semester A of this course include fiction, expository, and persuasive, and analytical modeses, emphasizing the use of details, evidence, and reasoning to support ideas. Speaking and listening lessons in Semester A cover collaborative discussion skills, the peer review process, and how to plan and deliver informative speeches and presentations. Vocabulary development instruction is integrated into literature and informational text lessons. Each unit ends with an authentic assessment that presents students with a real-world scenario requiring some of the skills they learned in the unit.

Assignments that are specific the Honors level of this course ask students to apply advanced skills earlier in the course and more often than students in the regular version of English 10. For example, students move immediately beyond the identification of literary elements or aspects of informational text to the analysis of these components. Likewise, Honors students don’t simply recognize and describe rhetorical strategies—they also use these strategies to create specific effects. Some Honors assignments require students to go one step farther in developing an assignment—for instance, writing an essay after generating ideas for the essay using the worksheet provided to students in the regular course. Clear and extensive guidelines are provided for each Honors assignment along with a detailed rubric for evaluation.

Vật liệu cần thiết

Tiểu thuyết bắt buộc: 

  • Animal Farm qua George OrwellISBN-10: 9780451526342 

Tiểu thuyết tùy chọn: 

    • Bắt trẻ đồng xanh qua JD Salinger: ISBN-10: 9780316769174; ISBN-13; 978-0316769174 
    • Cây Đậu qua Barbara Kingsolverqua ISBN-10: 0062277758; ISBN-13; 978-0062277756 
    • Tất cả yên tĩnh trên mặt trận miền Tây qua Erich Maria Remarque: ISBN-10: 1906230668; ISBN-13: 978-1906230661 
    • Chúa tể trên không qua William Golding; ISBN-10: 0399501487ISBN-13: 978-0399501487 
    • Đêm thứ mười hai bởi William Shakespeare – Dự án Gutenberg 
    • Tạm biệt Manzanar qua Jeanne Wakatsuki HoustonISBN-10: 1328742113; ISBN-13: 978-1328742117 
    • Antigone bởi Sophocles – Dự án Gutenberg