Danh dự Lịch sử Hoa Kỳ A


Semester A helps students learn the story of the founding of North America by Europeans in the 1600s.

Điều kiện tiên quyết: Lịch sử thế giới 

Mã hàng: HSHAHA Loại:

Sự miêu tả

Semester A –  helps students learn the story of the founding of North America by Europeans in the 1600s. A prevailing theme of the course is that America accomplished tasks that no other country had undertaken before. America broke away from Europe, established its own country with a Constitution that has given freedom to more people than any other country in the world, and settled a country by putting that Constitution into practice. The course ends with a study of America’s emergence as a world power at the beginning of the 20th Century. Students will encounter primary and secondary source document investigations, biographies of key individuals, political cartoons, map studies, and period literature.

Điều kiện tiên quyết: Lịch sử thế giới