ランゲージ・アーツ 11 B



SKU: HSLA11B カテゴリー


セメスターB – Semester B of English 11 consists of units focused on historical eras and literary movements of the 20th and 21st century, such as Naturalism, Imagism, the Harlem Renaissance, and Post-Modernism. Literature analysis lessons in semester B focus on the forms of literature that were most commonly written during the Twentieth Century and how the forms, styles, and techniques of that century inform literature written today. Students will also evaluate various modes and forms of language expression, including single media and multimedia messages. Writing and informational text lessons guide students through the stages of a rigorous research process and demonstrate how to evaluate, integrate, and share the information gathered during research. Students are required to share their ideas and analysis using several different modes, including oral and multimedia presentations. 

必須 材料 


  • 華麗なるギャツビー によって F.スコット・フィッツジェラルド:ISBN-10: 9780743273565; ISBN-13: 978-0743273565 


  • セールスマンの死 によって オーサー・ミラー: ISBN-10: 978-0140481341; ISBN-13: 978-0140481341 
  • 武器よさらば によって アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ: ISBN-10: 1476764522; ISBN-13: 978-1476764528 
  • 私のアントニア ウィラ・キャザー著 - プロジェクト・グーテンベルグ 
  • 死ぬ前のレッスン によって アーネスト・ゲインズISBN-10: 9780375702709; ISBN-13: 978-0375702709 
  • ブラック・ボーイ によって リチャード・ライト: ISBN-10: 0061130249; ISBN-13: 978-0061130243 
  • ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険 マーク・トウェイン著 プロジェクト・グーテンベルグ