772.618.1578 Contact 772.293.9994 Contact Management: The purpose of the "contact management" form is to ensure that school leaders and class facilitators are empowered to access weekly reports and/or to monitor student performance effectively. The billing contact is available to expedite invoicing. Note: This is not required but does improve the onboarding experience and supports ongoing student success. Who requires "Administrator" permissions?This role is assigned as an administrator of your school in our system and is typically for your administrators and guidance counselors. It allows you to manage and access data for users, students, enrollments, and performance. It does not, however, provide access to view course content. This is the only role authorized to request changes to enrollments. Note: Only this role will receive weekly progress summary reports via email.名前ラストネームメールアドレスMobile Phone #Title 追加 削除Would you like to remove past administrators? はい No Who requires "Classroom Coach" permissions?This role is assigned as the "Teaching Assistant" of the section(s) to which they are assigned and is required in order to view course content. This role's responsibilities include monitoring student engagement, grade(s), and pacing. Note: Only 1 "Classroom Coach" can be assigned to an individual section.名前ラストネームメールアドレスMobile Phone #Class Section(s) 追加 削除Who requires "Instructor" permissions?This role is assigned as the "Instructor" of the section(s) to which they are assigned and is required in for our Program Oversight model. This role's responsibilities include teacher of record, direct instruction, monitoring student engagement, grade(s), and pacing. Note: Only 1 "Instructor" can be assigned to an individual section.名前ラストネームメールアドレスMobile Phone #Class Section(s) / Subject(s) 追加 削除Who is your preferred billing contact?This is the contact that will receive all invoicing and billings details.名前ラストネームメールアドレスTitle School Calendar (Dates): The purpose of the "School Calendar Dates" is to ensure we are aligned on start/end dates for each of your terms. Note: This is not required but does greatly improve the experience for your students and school leaders. Fall Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Spring Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Summer Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Fall End Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Spring End Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Summer End Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Credit Recovery Policy: The purpose of these options is to confirm if your students will be required to complete the entire course for recovery (default) or if you have a policy that requires students to complete recovery based on remedial hours (special requests). If students are not completing the course for credit to be considered recovered, then we will not be able to award our accredited credit (or transcripts) and you will have to award it based on your own policy under your accreditation. Note: This is not required unless you have a custom policy for awarding credit for recovery that differs from our standard policy which requires students to complete our course with a passing grade.Do you require students to complete the entire course for credit recovery?Yes, course completion is required for recovery.No, recovery is based on # hours.No, recovery is based on something else.What do you require for students to receive credit for credit recovery?