Honors Language Arts 10 B
L'étude de la littérature au semestre B se concentre sur l'analyse de différentes formes de littérature et sur l'évaluation de différents modes et formes d'écriture.
Semestre B – Like semester A, semester B consists of integrated units focused on a theme or mode of study. Literature study in semester B focuses on the analysis of different forms of literature and as well as the evaluation of various modes and forms of writing. Writing and informational text lessons guide students through the stages of a rigorous research process and demonstrate how to evaluate, integrate, and share the information gathered during research. Students are required to share their ideas and analysis using several different modes, including oral and multimedia presentations. As in Semester A, Honors assignments in this semester require students to take a more analytical or active approach to many of the assignments and activities in the course. Honors students will write more often and more deeply about topics and also reflect more critically on the processes they use to read and write.
Matériel requis
Roman obligatoire :
- Nuit par Elie Wiesel: ISBN-10 : 9780374500016 ; ISBN-13 : 978-0374500016
Romans en option :
- L'attrape-cœurs par J. D. Salinger: ISBN-10 : 9780316769174 ; ISBN-13 ; 978-0316769174
- Les arbres à haricots par Barbara Kingsolver: par ISBN-10 : 0062277758 ; ISBN-13 ; 978-0062277756
- Le calme sur le front occidental par Erich Maria Remarque: ISBN-10 : 1906230668 ; ISBN-13 : 978-1906230661
- Le seigneur des mouches par William Golding ; ISBN-10 : 0399501487; ISBN-13 : 978-0399501487
- La Nuit des Rois de William Shakespeare - Projet Gutenberg
- Adieu à Manzanar par Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston: ISBN-10 : 1328742113; ISBN-13 : 978-1328742117
- Antigone de Sophocle - Projet Gutenberg