Lengua y Literatura 12 B
In this course you will experience the novels, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction from countries around the world.
Semestre B – In English 12B Honors, students experience a survey of dynamic British literature from the ancient epic poem of Beowulf to more contemporary pieces by authors such as George Orwell and Doris Lessing. Emphasis is placed on major literary movements, British authors and classics, and the impact of historical events on literary works. In English 12B Honors, students gain a better understanding of English masterpieces as well as their own writing. As an Honors course, emphasis is placed on project-based instruction and increased reading and writing opportunities. Engaging videos, interesting readings, and interactive activities provide students with pragmatic opportunities to apply reading comprehension and writing skills to their lives. Students work through interactive lessons, completing several self-check activities and quizzes. In each unit, students complete an exam as well as writing projects that include a personal narrative, a research document, a literary response, a descriptive essay, an expository essay, and a persuasive composition. Students also participate in daily discussions and teacher feedback is provided throughout the course. English 12B Honors covers the content and skills in English 12B as well as providing additional project-based instruction and increased reading and writing opportunities.
Requerido Materiales
En este curso, deberá leer dos novelas de la lista "Usted elige", además de las obras que figuran a continuación como lecturas obligatorias. Después de seleccionar las novelas que leerá, descargue las guías de las novelas correspondientes utilizando los enlaces que aparecen a continuación.
- The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck: ISBN-10: 0143039431; ISBN-13: 978-0143039433
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo: ISBN-10: 0062315005; ISBN-13: 978-0062315007
- The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - Proyecto Gutenberg
- Hamlet por William Shakespeare - Proyecto Gutenberg
Escoge tú las novelas:
- 1984 por George Orwell: ISBN-10: 9780451524935; ISBN-13: 978-0451524935
- Cumbres Borrascosas por Emily Bronte: ISBN-10: 0141439556; ISBN-13: 978-0141439556
- Un mundo feliz por Aldous Huxley: ISBN-10: 0060850523; ISBN-13: 978-0060850524
- Otelo por Julius Lester: ISBN-10: 9780590419673; ISBN-13: 978-0590419673 - Proyecto Gutenberg
- Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez: ISBN-10: 9780060883287; ISBN-13: 978-0060883287
- Historia de dos ciudades por Charles Dickens - Proyecto Gutenberg
- Cry, the Beloved Country por Alan Paton: ISBN-10: 0743262174; ISBN-13: 978-0743262170
- Frankenstein por Mary Shelley - Proyecto Gutenberg